Jason Kaplan

Assistant Professor/PsyD Program Director, William James College

Jason Kaplan is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and a Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider. He earned his Ph.D. in School and Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University and his M.Ed. and CAGS from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. While at Northeastern University, he completed a practicum at McLean Hospital Child and Adolescent Testing Service and his pre-doctoral clinical internship at Community Services Institute, a community-based mental health agency treating children, adolescents, and adults. Before joining the School Psychology faculty at William James College in 2015 where he is now an Interim Department Chair, Director of the School Psychology PsyD Program, and Assistant Professor Dr. Kaplan served as an adjunct faculty member at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (now William James College). In addition, Dr. Kaplan was a school psychologist in the Public Schools, where he supervised school psychology graduate students for fourteen years. Prior to working in Newton and at William James College, Dr. Kaplan taught high school students with learning, emotional, and behavioral disabilities. His research interests include systems change, the assessment, and treatment of children with learning, social and emotional disabilities, and supervision.
