
Katsiaryna Aniskovich

Intern, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Katsiaryna's interests have been developed and built upon both her studies and her work that include but were not limited to PBIS practices that support diverse students, training programs for teachers and parents to reduce social isolation among Hispanic/Latinx youth in schools, as well as classroom and schoolwide techniques that elementary teachers engage in to support Hispanic/Latinx students. As a part of her dissertation, she engaged with students and teachers in one middle school to further assess their knowledge and skills in building connectedness with each other. She particularly interested in Hispanic/Latinx students since it is the fastest-growing population who tend to feel disengaged with teachers. By conducting interviews with students, she learned the obstacles that they felt prevented them from being connected to school and teachers. While interviewing teachers, she explored approaches that teachers used to support those students, as well as methods that they applied in their classrooms to promote a feeling of connection among Hispanic/Latinx students. In the future, she hopes the findings can become useful in developing training available for school stakeholders who are searching for ways to connect and build stronger relationships with students from diverse backgrounds.
