
Ms. Swapna Balkundi MA

Third Year Docotoral Student, State University at Buffalo, NY

Hi NASP Community! My name is Swapna Balkundi. I am third year Doctoral Student at the State University at Buffalo, NY - in the department Counseling School and Educational Psychology. My research interests include formulation of tailored interventions for youth with social emotional learning challenges leading to their academic decline. 

The core of my research goal involves working with the pediatric population in assessing/diagnosing/and formulating treatment plans to reduce the functional impairments as a result of their social emotional challenges with the goal of attaining desirable target outcomes. This will be a collaborative treatment goal/process that would involve working with the youth (3 yrs -21 yrs) along with their families (parents/guardians/caregivers/sibilings), school personnel (teachers, school psychologists, school counselors, school social workers etc.), and their medical/clinical team (GP, other medical providers, therapeutic/psychiatric providers). 

Thank you!
