These visual displays provide an informal, interactive format for the presentation of research, data, and innovative practices and will be available on demand at any time during the convention week. They will also be available post-convention for 60 days.

PO350: A Systematic Examination of District Websites for Suicide Prevention Information

This poster presents the results of a descriptive study that systematically reviewed a random sample of Texas’ school district websites for suicide prevention content in both English and Spanish.

  • Carmen Ibarra, Doctoral Student - Health Service Psychology​ (Combined Clinical/School), University of Houston- Clear Lake

  • be able to describe what suicide prevention information is available on Texas school district websites.
  • be able to advocate for the need for readily available online resources related to suicide prevention in their school district. 
  • be equipped with information about inequity of listed resources across language (English/Spanish) in a state with a large Latino population.

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