These visual displays provide an informal, interactive format for the presentation of research, data, and innovative practices and will be available on demand at any time during the convention week. They will also be available post-convention for 60 days.

PO454: Academic Enabling Behaviors of Students With ID in IPSE Programs

This session explores the academic enabling behaviors (i.e., interpersonal skills, motivation, academic engagement, and study skills) of students with an intellectual disability in inclusive postsecondary education programs.

  • become familiar with academic enabling behaviors and their application to students in inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs
  • develop a awareness of IPSE student and staff member perceptions of IPSE students’ academic enabling behavior strengths and weaknesses
  • become familiar with the supports IPSE programs implement to facilitate the development of students’ academic enabling behaviors

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AEBs of Students w ID in IPSEs_NASP 2023 FINAL.pptx Resource
Complete Results.pdf Download Handout