These visual displays provide an informal, interactive format for the presentation of research, data, and innovative practices and will be available on demand at any time during the convention week. They will also be available post-convention for 60 days.

Exploring Implementation Climate and Leadership Impact on School Provider Stress

Explore stress and burnout in school providers implementing mental health services for autistic youth by assessing leadership's influence on stress. Join to discuss support and improvement strategies in school-based settings.

  • Sarah Nickles, Professional Research Assistant, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center
  • Sarah Nickles, Professional Research Assistant, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center

  • recognize the critical role of evidence-based mental health care integration in schools for supporting autistic students and the challenges hindering effective implementation;
  • evaluate the impact of implementation leadership and climate on school providers' stress and burnout; and
  • understand the association between implementation leadership, climate, and provider stress and burnout, particularly examining the differences based on the discipline of school providers.

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