These visual displays provide an informal, interactive format for the presentation of research, data, and innovative practices and will be available on demand at any time during the convention week. They will also be available post-convention for 60 days.

Impact of a Minority-Stress Grounded Group Intervention for LGBTQ Youth

This poster will present findings illustrating the impact of a minority stress grounded group counseling program for LGBTQ+ students at a rural middle school in the Midwest.

  • Jack Komer, Graduate Assistant, Indiana University - Bloomington

  • understand the value of prevention oriented support programming for LGBTQ+ adolescents to reduce minority stressors and improve well-being;
  • reflect on progress monitoring tools that are useful for measuring intervention progress for LGBTQ+ youth; and
  • learn how to implement a minority-stress grounded support program, Proud and Empowered, within their own schools or settings.

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